Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stephanie and Logan ~

Here are some AWESOME pictures my mom took for me and Logan. They are NOT engagment pictures ;) hahaha I just wanted some fun and good pictures of us WITH logan actually smiling. When I ask him to take pictures he usually just makes a silly face! Which is fine but I wanted some good ones to hang up in my casa! My mom did a great job. Check her out at

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sent from my iPad

And a couple of those men are the murderers!
Just a test to see if this works!

Wow! It's been a while!

It has been a while (almost a year) since I have updated my blog! CRAZY! I have so many things that I need to catch up on! Float trips, Colorado, Alabama, las Vegas, Alabama again, lady gaga, skydiving! It's never ending so stay tuned for all the crazy stuff coming up!